GetFullWhatIfResults Reference

The following tables describe the XML elements returned in the GetFullWhatIfResults response. A sample is provided at the end.


This is the details at client level for the potential disposal, taking into account any disposal in the current tax year.

Tag NameWhat If RepresentationDescription
ClientIDCodeClient IDAlphanumeric client reference code. This is the IMS system Client code and is held in the CGiX client table as a cross reference.
ClientNameClient NameDescription of the new or revised client name. This name will appear on screens.
MnemonicThe Currency symbol of the client’s currency.
LegislationCurrencyThe internal CGiX legislation Currency reference.
DisposalDateToday’s dateThe date of Disposal, so for the What If, it should be today’s date.
CalculationStatusIndicates if the client has calculated or not.
‘0’ = Calculated
‘1’ = Not calculated.
IncompleteHistoryLegend MarkersIndicates if the client has full history or not.
‘True’ = Incomplete History
‘False’ = Complete history.
TaxYearTax YearStart and end date of tax year. Defaults to current tax year.
ExemptAmountExempt amount (on screen)
Annual Exemption (What If notional report)
Indicates the annual exemption allowance that is applicable for the relevant client tax type for the tax year.
ChargeableGainChargeable Gain (on screen)
Total Chargeable Gain (What If notional report)
This is the sum of gains made on the proposed sale plus current tax year gain. The total excludes gains made on holdings identified as ‘Exempt Holdings’ or ‘Excluded Indexed Securities’.
XisChargeableGainExcluded Indexed Securities – Chargeable GainThis is the sum of gains of proposal plus current year gains attributed to only securities marked as excluded indexed securities.
IndexationIndexation (on screen)
Indexation Allowance (What If notional report)
The indexation allowance used when calculating the chargeable gain for CGT.
LostIndexationLost Indexation (on screen)Truncated indexation – the amount of indexation lost as you cannot increase the loss on the disposal.
TaperedGainNet Gain/Loss (on screen)
Total Chargeable Gain/Allowable Loss (What If notional report)
Total chargeable gains for the tax year after applying loss offsets and taper relief, inclusive of any proposed trades. If the overall net position for the year is a loss, this will show the overall loss amount.
TaxYearLossAllowable Loss (on screen)
Total Allowable Loss (What If notional report)
The total allowable losses created within the current tax year, inclusive of any proposed trades.
PreviousYearsLossB/F Loss (on screen)
Total Allowable Previous Tax Year Loss (What If notional report)
Total allowable losses carried forward from previous tax years.
LossOffsetLoss Used (on screen)
Total Allowable Previous Tax Year Loss (sum of loss offset column (What If notional report)
Total losses offset against gains in the current tax year.
LostTaperN/ATotal amount of taper relief lost due to losses being offset against untapered gains, including any proposed trades.
GainLiableToCGTGain Liable to CGT (on screen)
Gain Liable to CGT (What If notional report)
Gain liable to CGT after applying loss offsets, and annual exemption allowance.
UnusedExemptAmountUnused Exempt Amount (on screen)
Unused AE (What If notional report)
Exemption allowance remaining after subtracting the chargeable gain.
UnusedPreviousYearsLossRemaining B/F Loss (on screen)
Remaining Allowable previous Tax Year Losses (What If notional report)
The total unused allowable losses carried forward from previous tax years.
SuspectMarkerSuspect Marker (legend)Determines if the cost is based on ‘Estimated’ or ‘Unknown’ cost.
ProceedsToBeRealisedProceeds to be realised (on screen)
Total Proceeds (on report)
Total amount of proceeds that will be raised.
DisposalN/ACollection of the details provided inn DisposalType which represent the underlying asset information for the proposed sale.
OffshoreGainThe proceeds minus expense for security classified as Offshore funds that produce a gain.
DeepDiscountedGainGains made against any security which is classified as Deep Discounted.

Client: Disposal

This is the details of the gain/loss based on the proposed disposal or purchase.

Tag NameWhat If RepresentationDescription
SecurityRefInternal – no front-end representationInternal CGiX ref.
SEDOLSEDOLSecurity Identifier to match the security.
ISINISINSecurity Identifier to match the security.
TransactionTypeSale/PurchaseSale or Purchase. A purchase may be sent for volatile sale in order to preform buy back.
TransactionRefInternal – no front -end representationInternal CGiX transaction identifier.
BgnDateToday’s dateThe date of the transaction. i.e., date of proposed sale.
SharesSharesThe total number of shares to be sold or bought back.
ProceedsProceedsThe amount of proceeds from the sale (shares * Market Value).
ExpenseExpenseThe cost of the purchase for volatile sale.
SecurityNameSecurity NameThe name of the security.
ChargeableGainChargeable GainThe proceeds minus CGT cost.
TotalLossesLoss offset The total losses allowable against the disposal.
IndexationIndexationThe indexation allowance used when calculating the chargeable gain for CGT.
LostIndexationLost IndexationTruncated Indexation – indexation lost due to the disposal not being able to increase a loss.
TaperedGainN/ATotal chargeable gains for the tax year after applying loss offsets and taper relief, inclusive of any proposed trades. If the overall net position for the year is a loss, this will show the overall loss amount.
LossOffsetLoss offsetLosses offset against gains for the disposal.
LostTaperN/AValue of taper relief lost as a result of losses being offset against untapered gain for the disposal. For a purchase, the value returned is based on the sales affected by the purchase.
TaperAnniversaryN/AThe minimum number of days until the next taper relief band is effective.
SuspectMarkerSuspect Marker (legend)Determines if the cost is based on ‘Estimated’ or ‘Unknown’ cost.
AssetN/ACollection of the details provided in AssetType.
GainGainThe proceeds minus expense for the associated underlying asset.
DeepDiscountedInternal CGiX Security flagTrue if the security is classified as a Deep Discounted.
OffshoreInternal CGiX Security flagTrue if the security is classified as an Offshore Fund.

Client: Disposal: Asset

This is the tag to denote the next level breakdown of the disposal classed as ‘Asset’.

Tag NameCGiX RepresentationDescription
AssetTypeN/ADetails of the Asset type disposal breakdown (identification level).

Client: Disposal: Asset: Asset Type

This is the asset level details of the gain/loss based on the proposed disposal or purchase.

Tag NameWhat If RepresentationDescription
DisposalRefN/AInternal CGiX disposal ref.
AcqDateAcq Date (on screen)
Acquired date (What If report)
When the asset was first purchased.
AssetTypeRefN/AInternal CGiX Reference.
SharesShares (on screen & report)The number of shares related to the underlying asset.
ExpenseExpense (on screen)
Cost (What If report)
The amount of expense related to the underlying asset.
ProceedsProceeds (on screen & report)The amount of proceeds related to the underlying asset.
IndexationIndexation (on screen)
Indexation Allowance (What If report)
The amount of Indexation applicable to the disposal.
LostIndexationLost Indx (on screen)
Shown in brackets in the What if report under indexation allowance.
Truncated Indexation – indexation lost due to the disposal not being able to increase a loss.
GainGain/Loss (on screen & report)Proceeds minus expense for the related underlying asset.
LossOffsetLoss Offset (on screen & report)Losses offset against gains for the disposal.
TaperRateN/AThe rate of Taper Relief.
TaperDaysN/ANumber of remaining to the nest amount of Taper relief.
TaperYearsN/AThe Taper Years of the associated underlying asset.
ExemptInternal CGiX Security flagTrue if the associated underlying asset is exempt from CGT.
IdentificationIdentification (on screen)
No Header in report.
The identification rule that was used for the associated underlying asset disposal.
OrigTransactionRefInternal CGiX referenceN/A
SuspectMarkerLegend Value of none, estimated or unknown.
LiableGainGain Liable to CGTThe liable gain of the associated underlying asset.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
        <GetFullWhatIfResultsResponse xmlns="">
                    <ClientName>Mr A Smith</ClientName>
                    <TaxYear>06 April 2023 - 05 April 2024</TaxYear>
                        <SEDOL />
                        <SecurityName>King Street Capital Ltd. S196 (EX A1)</SecurityName>
                                <Identification>Offshore Income Holding (LIFO)</Identification>