Transaction Types

Accrued Interest Take On For new clients showing Take on positions. This transaction type can be used to accumulate historical accrued interest. Displays on the income report
Accumulation Dividend Income Used to represent distribution of earnings paid to stockholders, as a dividend, based on the number of shares owned. Displays on the income report
Accumulation Interest Income Used to represent distribution of earnings paid to stockholders, as interest, based on the number of shares owned. Displays on the income report
Acquisition (cash offer) Used for the cash element offered as part of a take-over
Acquisition in Used to allocate new Securities offered as part of a take-over
Acquisition out Used to remove original shares undergoing a take-over
Adjustment in Used to increase the shares or cost values – not treated as a purchase
Adjustment out Used to decrease the shares or cost values – not treated as a sale
Call paid Used for cash payments as made as part of a share issue or subscription
Capital reorganisation Used for cash payments made to holders
Capitalisation Bonus issues of the same class of Security
Capitalisation (different class) Bonus issue of a different Security
Capitalisation option Otherwise known as ‘Scrip Dividends’ where shares are received in the same in lieu of a dividend payment
Capitalisation option (different class) Scrip dividends into a different class of Security
Cash interest Used to represent interest payments received on bank account and building societies
Commission Rebate Commission Rebate
Consolidation in Used when the nominal value of the shares increases and the number of shares held decreases to create a new holding
Consolidation out Used when the nominal value of the shares increases and the number of shares held decreases to remove the original Security
Conversion in Used on the resultant line when a Security transforms itself into another Security on a 1 for 1 basis usually only changing its name with no effect on the nominal value or book cost
Conversion out Used to remove the original line when a Security is converted
Cost movement in Used only where clients are using CGiX without FSL corporate data
Cost movement out Used only where clients are using CGiX without FSL corporate data
Coupon payment Used to represent interest payments received on Bonds
Custodian gift Used for Nominee accounts where trustees have allocated extra shares
Deemed acquisition Used to add deemed acquisitions at the end of each tax year for OEIC section 212 Assets held by life clients
Deemed disposal Used to add deemed disposals at the end of each tax year for OEIC section 212 Assets held by life clients
Demerger Used when a company spins off part of its operations into another company and issues shares in the new company to existing holders
Dividend income Used where CGiX is calculating income dividend payments
Dividend payment Used to represent distribution of earnings paid to stockholders based on the number of shares owned
Dividend reinvestment plan Purchase of shares using cash dividend allocation. Optional corporate event
DRIP Purchase of shares using cash dividend allocation. Does not display on the income report
DRIP payment Used to represent distribution of earnings paid to stockholders based on the number of shares owned. Does not display on the income report
Enhanced Cap. option (different class) More generous form of ‘Capitalisation Option’ into a different type of Security where the cost of the shares offered is likely to be the same as the market value of the shares offered.
Enhanced Capitalisation option More generous form of ‘Capitalisation Option’ where the market value of the share offered is greater than the dividend foregone
Equalisation Payment made with the first distribution of a unit trust
Equalisation retention in Used when the unit trust manager re-invests the income from equalisation payments on accumulation units
Equalisation retention out Used when the unit trust manager re-invests the income from equalisation payments on accumulation units
Excess Reported Income (Dividend) Distribution of offshore funds from a Unit Trust & OEICs Security type made to qualifying holders of the unit trust
Excess Reported Income (Interest) Distribution of offshore funds from a Bond Unit Trust & OEICS Security type made to qualifying holders of the unit trust
Exchange in Used at the end of the life of a Unit trust to transfer into new units if the unit trust is rolled over
Exchange in (as new purchase) Used at the beginning of the life of a qualifying Offshore fund where new units have been transferred from a Non-qualifying Offshore fund
Exchange out Used at the end of the life of a Unit trust to transfer from the old unit into the new unit
Exchange out (as disposal) Used at the end of the life of a Non-qualifying Offshore fund to transfer into new units of a qualifying Offshore fund
Exercise of subscription rights in Used for creation of the resultant security when a right to subscribe is exercised
Exercise of subscription rights out Used to move the associated cost and pooling from subscription rights
External gain Used to enter a gain arising from other than CGiX held Securities to CGiX
External loss Used to enter a loss arising from other than CGiX held Securities to CGiX
FID equalisation Used for Equalisations where the tax credit paid can be reclaimed by non-taxpayers
FID equalisation retention in Used for Equalisations where the tax credit paid can be reclaimed by non-taxpayers
FID equalisation retention out Used for Equalisations where the tax credit paid can be reclaimed by non-taxpayers
FID retention (group 1) Used for Group 1 retention where the tax credit paid can be reclaimed by non-taxpayers
FID retention (group 2) Used for Group 2 retention where the tax credit paid can be reclaimed by non-taxpayers
Income (group 1) Income (group 1)
Income (group 2) Income (group 2)
Income retention (group 1) Distribution of funds from a unit trust made to qualifying holders of the unit trust
Income retention (group 2) Retained income from the first distribution due on a new holding
Income Retention G1/G2 Distribution of funds from a unit trust made to qualifying holders of the unit trust. Does not display on the income report
Instalment paid (HMG) Used when cash instalments are paid on privatisation issues
Interest income Interest income
Lapsed / Cancelled Used if a Security is cancelled and no compensation is paid
Lapsed rights Payment received if a rights issue is not taken before the due date of payment and a payment is made by the issuer
Lapsed Warrants Payment received if a warrant is not taken before the due date of payment and a payment is made by the issuer
Loyalty Bonus Free shares issued to holders of Securities purchased from the UK government if the Securities are held continuously. Loyalty bonuses are treated as if they are purchased at the market value at the date of issue. CGiX auto-generates this value
Mark to market adjustment in Mark to market adjustment in
Mark to market adjustment outMark to market adjustment out
Name change in Used to take the values identified with the original Securities to a new Security when the name changes
Name change out Used to take the values identified from the original Securities when the name changes
Negligible value (deemed acqn) Used with transaction below to enter a loss arising from the IR declaring shares of negligible value
Negligible value (deemed displ) Used with transaction above to enter a loss arising from the IR declaring shares of negligible value
Offshore Dividend Income Offshore Dividend Income
Offshore Equalisation Payment made with the distribution of an offshore unit trust
Offshore Equalisation (Daily) Offshore Equalisation (Daily)
Offshore Interest Income Offshore Interest Income
Partial Exchange In Partial Exchange In
Partial Exchange Out Partial Exchange Out
Partial redemption Used when the redemption of a security is on a partial basis
PID Used to enter property letting income. PIDs are a special kind of dividend. They are treated by the UK tax system as property letting income, not as the ordinary dividend income
Property Inc. Distribution Property Inc. Distribution
Purchase Enter a new purchase of a Security
Purchase (external deal) Enter a new purchase of a Security where the information cannot be relied upon as it was supplied by an external party
Redemption (cash) Used for payment in cash of a loan or par value of a Security at maturity
Redemption in Used to create resultant reduced value shares on partial redemption
Redemption out Used to remove redeemed share
Relevant event (deemed acqn) Used if the tax status has changed of a Security which is treated as an acquisition even though the gain is held over as in a Qualifying Corporate Bond
Relevant event (deemed displ) Used if the tax status has changed of a security which is treated as a disposal even though the gain is held over as in a Qualifying Corporate Bond
Reorganisation in Used if there are no cash implications to input any kind of capital reorganisation into the resultant Security
Reorganisation out Used if there are no cash implications to input any kind of capital reorganisation from the original Security
Rights (new purchase) Used when the Inland Revenue has deemed the rights issue to be a new purchase
Rights issue Indicates participation in rights issues for the same type of Security
Rights issue (different class) Indicates participation in a rights issue for a different type of Security
Sale Enter a new sale of a Security
Sale (external deal) Enter a new sale of a Security where the information cannot be relied upon as it was supplied by an external party
Scrip Dividend Used where shares are received in the same in lieu of a dividend payment
Split Used when the Security separates into two or more Securities of the same class
Split of units / Separation in Used for the transfer to the resultant Securities into separate tradable entities after units are issued comprising two or more Securities as one unit
Split of units / Separation out Used for the transfer from the original unit after units are issued comprising two or more Securities as one unit
Sub-division in Used when the nominal value of the shares decreases and the number of shares held increases to create a new holding
Sub-division out Used when the nominal value of the share decreases and the number of shares held increases to remove the values from the original Security
Subs. (new purchase different class) Used when the subscription is for a different type of Security
Subscription (as rights different class) Used when the subscription is for a different type of Security
Subscription (as rights) Used when the tax treatment of the subscription in the same class of Security has been agreed with the Inland Revenue as being the same a rights issue
Subscription (new purchase) Used for subscriptions in the same class of security which is treated for tax purposes as a new purchase of the Security. Most commonly used as a method of raising finance on acquisitions
Transfer in Movement from one Security to another Security. This is the movement into the Resultant Security
Transfer out Movement from one Security to another Security. This is the movement out of the original Security
Unconfirmed purchase Used to enter a new purchase for a security, which is unconfirmed
Unconfirmed sale Used to enter a new sale for a security, which is unconfirmed