Enqueue a Job to Calculate a Model

Using the access token obtained, enqueue a model calculation job via the Rebalancing API.

The job will be picked up by the CGiX Hangfire background processing service which will run and complete the calculation job for the Rebalancing API request.

1. Creating the Request

Create a new request in Postman as follows:

  1. Change the HTTP verb from GET to POST.
  2. Click on the Authorization tab and set the access token as the Bearer Token.
  1. Specify the URL to the api/RebalanceModel/{rebalancingModelGuid}/calculate API endpoint. For example, https://fslpresales.fslcgix-uat.co.uk/FSLPresales_WebAPI/api/RebalanceModel/d1684dd3-c555-4d17-6396-08dcf2a3cbe0/calculate


URL Enconding

The URL parameter rebalancingModelGuid should be URL encoded

  1. Paste in your rebalancing model guid obtained from the previous step in your URL

2. Sending the Request

Click the Send button to send the prepared request.

3. The Response Body

When successful, the API response will contain the following information in JSON format:

An example response is as follows:

    "jobId": 78811,
    "isError": false,
  	"erorMessage": null