Import a Model

The following steps illustrate how to use Postman to import a model for a specified user and company.

1. Creating the Request

Create a new request in Postman as follows:

  1. Change the HTTP verb from GET to POST.
  2. Click on the Authorization tab and copy across the API access token as generated previously.

  1. Specify the URL to the report api/RebalanceModel API endpoint. For example,
  2. Click on the Body tab and then the form-data option.

  1. Add in a field Filename with type 'Text', which should contain the name of the file you are importing
  2. Add in a field File with type 'File', which should be the model in .csv format that you are importing

The import file must contain the following headers. Please contact FSL for the detailed Import Specification.

Investment Model IDInvestment Model NameCompany IDClient IDSEDOLIMSSecRefTransaction TypeShareProceedsExpense

2. Sending the Request

Click the Send button to send the prepared request.

3. The Response Body

When successful, the API response will return the following information in JSON format. The endpoint returns the GUID of the uploaded rebalance model.

Property NameDescription
guidUnique string identifier for the report being generated. This is used later on to fetch the rebalanced model.
    "rebalancingModelGuid": "e1b01ac5-e6da-4813-c682-08dcedb09572"